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Breastfeeding and early weaning: a reflection from the nursing perspective
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Milk, Human
Breast Feeding
Education, Nursing
Nursing Theory

How to Cite

Tayane Gonçalves Pires Fernandes I, Zotti Justo Ferreira M, Batista Flores PC, Regino Magalhães P, Martins da Conceição K, Narciso de Souza L, Aparecida Caetano S, Aparecida Leoni E, Oliveira Florentino A, Spalato Torres L. Breastfeeding and early weaning: a reflection from the nursing perspective . Glob Clin Res [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];2(2):e38. Available from:


The aim was to reflect on breastfeeding and early weaning from a nursing perspective. This is a reflection study using scientific studies published in SciELO and VHL sources between 2015 and 2020 and documents from the Ministry of Health based on the Theoretical Myra Estrin Levine. It emphasizes the importance of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of life and how the different daily situations can make this process more difficult, especially if there is a lack of information. The Holistic Theory of Nursing appears on the scene to establish nursing as an intervention between patient and environment, providing reduction of fears, inflammation, stress and assistance in sensory response, that is, as a strategy to help mothers and babies through reception, guidance and interventions based on Science and in a holistic way. Breastfeeding does not need to be marked by difficulties and traumas, given adequate guidance and support throughout the pregnancy and postpartum process, it can and should be pleasurable and beneficial for the mother-baby binomial.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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