Borderline personality disorder means that which is on the edge or borderline, stress during childhood can contribute to the development of borderline personality disorder. The specific objectives were to conceptualize borderline personality disorder and factors associated with the disease, contextualize borderline personality disorder, and describe the health team's intervention to prevent the disorder. This is a descriptive bibliographic review study of a qualitative nature. For data collection, scientific studies were extracted from the Virtual Health Library published between 2017 and 2022, using the descriptors: “Health Team”, “Borderline Personality Disorder” and “Mental Health”. The lack of research in understanding the care environments of people with borderline personality disorder leads to the unpreparedness of professionals to perform in the area, favoring care away from critical sense and ethics. Still, there are effective strategies such as the use of psychotropic drugs, cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, and in some cases hospitalization.
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