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The nursing consultation as an indicator of the evolution of obstetric violence
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Primary Health Care
Nursing Management

How to Cite

Stocchi KM, Cavalcante KVC, Dias YF, Almeida TV de, Ciota S, Almeida GNF de S, Fernandes ITGP. The nursing consultation as an indicator of the evolution of obstetric violence . Glob Clin Res [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];3(2):e47. Available from:


The aim was to list the main changes in nursing care to reduce obstetric violence during prenatal consultations. This is an integrative review of the literature, using as an inclusion method: Timeframe from 2018 to 2023, with full text and in Portuguese, available in full. And for exclusion, articles published outside the established period, duplicate materials and articles unrelated to the topic we determined. After defining the descriptors, 109 results were collected, using the filters, 59 relevant articles were selected, the abstracts were read and analyzed, of which we included 21 articles in our analyzes to be read in full. In the end, we had 16 articles selected to be included in the results/discussion of our study. The final sample of this review consisted of 16 works. In this context, we chose to define five thematic axes, which are described below: Knowledge and training of nurses in situations of obstetric violence; Lack of instructions on obstetric violence in prenatal care; Obstetric Violence: Verbal and physical; Consequences of obstetric violence on the mother's life and interventions regarding possible obstetric violence. The woman must be the protagonist of her birth, for this, there needs to be a change in assistance, especially on the part of the nurse, who must welcome, develop active listening, and establish a bond with the pregnant woman and family members, making the pregnancy process more humanized.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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