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Information and communication technologies in access to specialization courses in the areas of health sciences: distance learning
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Distance Education
Information and Communication Technology
Specialization Course
Health Sciences

How to Cite

Vieira ECB, Carlin DS, Ramos SC. Information and communication technologies in access to specialization courses in the areas of health sciences: distance learning. Glob Clin Res [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 16];3(1):e46. Available from:


The aim was to identify the role of information and communication technologies in specialization courses in the areas of health sciences in the distance learning modality. Descriptive qualitative research. Research subjects: professors/coordinators of lato sensu courses in the areas of health in Distance Education. For data collection, a semi-structured interview was used. For data analysis, the content analysis method was used. Teachers identified that the tools that provide the exchange of information, experiences with people with the most different realities, and the possibility of discussions, are the most widely used, also due to the difference in costs. However, they are aware that its use at random is not enough to achieve quality teaching. Distance Education provides expansion and deepening of knowledge. This research showed that teachers are aware of the presence, inevitability, functionality and opportunities that this type of course can provide. At the same time, they raise the need for the proper use of new tools, so that there is no damage to the training of health professionals and the population they serve.
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