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Neck pain and visual system disorder: what is the relationship?
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Ocular Motility Disorders
Neck Pain
Binocular Vision

How to Cite

Carvalho RL, Franco LFR, Vilas Boas VF. Neck pain and visual system disorder: what is the relationship? . Glob Clin Res [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];3(1):e43. Available from:


Continuous use of digital devices without rest periods makes individuals more vulnerable to oculomotor disorders. These dysfunctions can lead to adaptive cervical postural changes. It was proposed here to evaluate the correlation between convergence insufficiency, visual attention and neck pain. Fourteen college students with neck pain and 14 without neck pain were evaluated in terms of convergence insufficiency, visual attention and neck mobility. There was difference between the groups in the Royal Air Force (p=0.03), in the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (p=0.01) and in the flexion (p=0.016) and right and left neck tilt movements (p= 0 .14) and (p=0.28). There was no difference in time and performance of the bell cancellation test (p=0.17). The group with neck pain showed signs of convergence insufficiency with a point close to convergence above the normal value of 10 centimeters and a high score in the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey. The group without neck pain performed within normal limits. Although the sample was of convenience and the individuals only performed clinical evaluations, the results are promising in demonstrating the presence of convergence insufficiency in the group with neck pain.
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