The aim was to describe the technical and expressive nursing care for the cutaneous manifestations of patients in an advanced stage of kidney disease. Convergent care research, with twenty-one nursing professionals, in the nephroclinic of a large University Hospital, located in the metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil, in 2014. The observed manifestations: skin dryness, alteration of coloration, capillary fragility, alterations related to the fistula, itching and alterations of body mass, require priority technical care of hygiene, dressing, comfort, integument recovery and delicate handling of the skin. Pain and sensations in the body's territory require redoubled attention to the perceptible visual, olfactory and tactile effects during technical care. It is concluded to reflect collectively on the cutaneous manifestations in the patient's skin, sensitized the nursing professionals to look see and perceive the objective and expressive demands. By expanding the dimensions of the minimal body territory centered on the skin to accept the skin as a historical-personal-singular envelope, technical care gains new meaning to improve assessment, care plans and the assistance offered.
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