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Challenges encountered by nurses in the care of cancer patients at the end of life
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Nurses, Male
Palliative Care
Hospice Care
Medical Oncology
Nursing Care

How to Cite

de Souza Canet A, Jéssica de Oliveira Higa G, Silvestrini Sena Lima da Silva C, Oliveira Shubert C, Alexandre de Souza São Bento P, Araujo de Oliveira J. Challenges encountered by nurses in the care of cancer patients at the end of life . Glob Clin Res [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];2(2):e35. Available from:


The aim was to identify and analyze the challenges faced by nurses in the care of cancer patients at the end of life. This is an integrative literature review based on the guiding question: What are the challenges faced by nurses in the care of cancer patients at the end of life? The search for the studies that make up this review was carried out on the Platform and databases: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Science Direct and SCOPUS, in Portuguese, Spanish and English, with a period of the last five years. Nine studies were included, of which the main challenges identified were evaluating the effectiveness of communication, communicating bad news, dealing with suffering and death, great exposure to work-related stressors, maintaining the patient's dignity and identifying the moment starting end-of-life care. Personal skills such as full awareness, perspective taking and cognitive empathy, combined with technical-scientific training and psychological support for professionals, are strategies for better coping with the challenges faced by nurses in end-of-life cancer care.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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