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Fundamentals of nursing care in primary care for riverside pregnant women affected by the dumping of mercury in bodies of water
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Women's Health
Mercury Poisoning
Nursing Care

How to Cite

Ferreira Medeiros M, Batista GCV, Cordova JV da S, Santos LS, Lima RM de, de Sousa MVV. Fundamentals of nursing care in primary care for riverside pregnant women affected by the dumping of mercury in bodies of water . Glob Clin Res [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];2(2):e31. Available from:


The aim was to present a proposal for a protocol for nursing care for the health of pregnant women living in riverside communities exposed to the risk of mercury poisoning irregularly dumped in water bodies where fish is the primary food source of the local population. To achieve the proposed objective, it was decided to collect the data that guided the elaboration of the proposed research protocol through a bibliographic survey on the platforms and virtual databases of the Virtual Health Library, LILACS and SciELO, with a period between 2013 and 2020. Mercury has a cumulative effect on the body, therefore, exposure can cause changes at systemic levels, and affect gestational development. The role of nursing in this context is important because such educational-prophylactic measures constitute care based on the principles of the National Primary Care Policy, focused on the individualities of a population (social, economic and cultural activities) and on the risks to which the health of this population can be exposed. It is concluded that the adequate orientation of the community in relation to the risks of contamination of the body by mercury is a competence of nursing and that a protocol for nursing care is important to guide primary health care.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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